The Peace Dialogue Process for Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces: The Challenges of Ideological Struggle by Peaceful Means from Practitioner’ Perspectives (during 2015 – 2018)

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Rohanee Juenara


This article is a book review on Peace dialogue process for Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces: The challenges of ideological struggle by peaceful means from practitioner’ perspectives (during 2015 – 2018) written by Lt. Sitthi Trakulwong, the former secretary of the Peace Dialogue Panel. This book is written from direct experience of the author who not only describes the working process but also analyzes the challenges of peace dialogue process in the southern border provinces of Thailand in order to be key lessons learned in resolving southern Thailand conflict for his successors in peace dialogue panel and people who are interested in this issue to use as a reference. It is considered as the first publication on peace dialogue process publicized to the general public. Thus, this book can be suitable for those who are interested in and study the processes and results of peace dialogue as well as solutions in the past and its upcoming challenges as the essential baseline data.  

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How to Cite
Juenara, R. (2019). The Peace Dialogue Process for Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces: The Challenges of Ideological Struggle by Peaceful Means from Practitioner’ Perspectives (during 2015 – 2018). Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 5(2), 270–275. retrieved from
Book Reviews