Peace Journalism: The State of Art and the Future Trend

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Phirakan Kai-nunna


This research article is to present the state of the art among peace journalism that synthesized from 24 papers consisting of academic articles, research articles, and research papers based on 11 databases worldwide which were published since 2002 to 2017. Be surprising, newspapers were mainly studied. Content analysis, one of quantitative research was the main methodology for scholars. Wartime stage in the news media was selected to study most while reporting the conflict of the Middle East and South Asia countries where the popular into the peace journalism research. The future researches of peace journalism should shift to broadcast media, particularly new media which highly accessed by public. The netnography should be applied to study peace journalism in the digital communities accordingly to the landscape changing of media and information. In addition, the before wartime, conflict transformation, and after wartime including to local conflict and civic media should be more interested in peace journalism research.

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How to Cite
Kai-nunna, P. (2019). Peace Journalism:: The State of Art and the Future Trend. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 5(2), 140–159. retrieved from
Research Articles


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