Precarious Employment in a Globalized World: Case of Non-Regular Employees in the Philippines

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Evelyn (Leo) Dacumos Battad


Mindful of the competitive global environment under which labour law operates, the core function of labour law to protect labour rights and job security is challenged in the face of post-Fordist and Lean Production models of manufacture. Regular employment is being eroded as companies take to hiring non-regular workers. Using the Philippine example, the paper examines the threat that precarious employment poses to the worker’s security of tenure and self-organization in the era of globalization. The characteristics and attributes of non-regular employment, and a critique of law and jurisprudence that facilitates the flexibility and precarity in the labour market are discussed, followed by suggested areas of reform to strengthen workers’ protection against abuse.  

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How to Cite
Battad, E. (Leo) D. (2019). Precarious Employment in a Globalized World: Case of Non-Regular Employees in the Philippines. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 5(2), 229–261. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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