United in Diversity: A Third Way of Constitutional Vision in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka

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Nadarajah Pushparajah


Sri Lanka since independence has been seen to have designed its constitutional vision within the conceptual ideology of Sinhala-Buddhism. This gives insights into how and why a pluralist society should avoid engineering a one-sided constitutional vision. This article investigates the root causes of the Sri Lankan ethnic question from the perspective of its constitutional vision in terms of the nature of the state and the degree of power-sharing. It also seeks to draw a viable constitutional vision to accommodate the concern of all sections of Sri Lankan society from the existing international practice in post-conflict societies. This article shows the inevitability of adopting a germane third way of constitutional vision to reconcile the divided society of post-conflict Sri Lanka and to comply with some consociational elements to address minorities’ issues within the minority region of Northeast Sri Lanka. The conclusions of this article suggest that a third way of constitutional vision would enhance the country’s ability to keep intact its territorial integrity and preserve its diversity.

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How to Cite
Pushparajah, N. (2019). United in Diversity: A Third Way of Constitutional Vision in Post-Conflict Sri Lanka. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 5(2), 196–228. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRPS/article/view/171051
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