ศาสนาหรือฆราวาส: พื้นที่คำถามเรื่อง ความฉงนสงสัย ความจริง และชีวิตมนุษย์

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รชฎ สาตราวุธ


The attempt of this article is to expose the mutual challenge between monotheistic religion and secularity especially the thought of humanism and materialism. Monotheism starts its quest for Truth via wonder that needs the knowledge of the whole as the answer while secularity promote its own Truth by way of verification or doubt. That is the reason why faith is necessary for religion and reason is inevitable for secularity. By the same token, Truth in monotheist doctrine is ultimate, eternal and absolute but Truth in secularity is real, immanent and changeable. This very nature of Truth, from wonder and doubt, play the important roles in human life. For religion, human beings need to be guided by God but, for secularity, humans need to open the possibilities for their own life via freedom and context.

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How to Cite
สาตราวุธ ร. (2017). ศาสนาหรือฆราวาส: พื้นที่คำถามเรื่อง ความฉงนสงสัย ความจริง และชีวิตมนุษย์. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 3(2), 1–34. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRPS/article/view/164166
Academic Articles


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