Education for Citizenship and Participatory Community Building through Local/Area Based Curriculum: Ref lection from Klong Hok Wa, Pathum Thani Provinc

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อภัยชนม์ สัจจะพัฒนกุล


This article offers field perspective from the research entitled “Approaches to Education for Citizenship and Participatory Community Building through Local/ Area Based Curriculum”. This project employs participatory action method. Syntheses of stories and learning experiences of shared by research participants are important as to demonstrates how Local/Area based curriculum can be used for citizenship construction. Such fieldnote will enable curriculum scholars, education specialist, teachers and concerned actors to reconsider the importance and value of Local/Area Based Curriculum in preparing citizens and developing a sustainable society.

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How to Cite
สัจจะพัฒนกุล อ. (2016). Education for Citizenship and Participatory Community Building through Local/Area Based Curriculum: Ref lection from Klong Hok Wa, Pathum Thani Provinc. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 2(2), 149–178. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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