Parichart Suwanbubpha : Dialogue and conflict facilitator

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ชาญชัย ชัยสุโกศล


This article studies Parichart Suwanbubbha both as a conŴict
facilitator using a tool called Ķdialogueķ and as a woman who work
for peace. It inRuires her background, development, and eYperiences
in using dialogue in the real situation facing a variety of challenges:
ranging from criticism, Ruestioning, gender-related treatment,
to the heat of religious difference, and getting bad news of the death
of the ones she knows. The challenge also includes especially her
own currently serious illness that, in turn, allow Parichart to receive
courages and moral supports from the people in conŴict area that
she work with. Studying life eYperience of a women who work for
peace and her various diffcult situations--including her work to
get through or to stay frmly with them-is neither to admire nor
to critici[e her, but to inspire the neYt generation who want to walk
on the similar pathway to learn and apply for their own journey.

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How to Cite
ชัยสุโกศล ช. (2015). Parichart Suwanbubpha : Dialogue and conflict facilitator. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 1(1), 27–68. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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