Human Security and Human Rights : (Still) contested concepts in ASEAN

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Sriprapha Petcharamesree


If human rights is recognized and legalized by the ASEAN
Charter, the term human security was not included. Not only
been was it not included in the ASEAN Charter but it has also
depoliticized. ASEAN is still reluctant to face the challenge of
balancing state and human security.
Not only is ASEAN still facing challenges in balancing
state security and human security, any arguments for strong
conceptual links between human security and human rights, which
has been recognized and mainstreamed by the UN agencies as
well as some Western countries, is still problematic. The paper
attempts to clarify the different concepts of human security and
examine how the concepts have been perceived by ASEAN and
ASEAN member states. It will also try to explain how human
security concepts have been put into practice by AMS.
Based mainly on desk research, the paper will first discuss
the concepts of human security. It will further look into how
ASEAN perceives human rights as well as their “missing links”
with human security. The paper will argue that such a missing link
is based on ASEANization of human security and misperception
of human rights and it makes it difficult for human security to be
applied for the benefit of ASEAN people.

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How to Cite
Petcharamesree, S. (2015). Human Security and Human Rights : (Still) contested concepts in ASEAN. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 1(1), 153–190. retrieved from
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