Developing Reading Literacy of Grade 7 Students using KWL-Plus Learning Management Approach with Local Data from Pathum Thani Province

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Supatcha Sri-iam


This academic article consists of the following content 1. Reading Literacy refers to the ability to understand the essential content of reading materials, applying knowledge from various experiences to interpret what is read, as well as evaluating the value of reading materials and applying knowledge gained from reading to create one's own concepts. The synthesis consists of 3 components 1) Access and retrieve information 2) Integration and interpretation and 3) Reflection and evaluation 2. KWL-Plus Learning Management is an approach to teaching reading while promoting thinking during reading 3. Local information of Pathum Thani Province involves incorporating stories and information from the local lifestyle of people in Pathum Thani Province where students reside, which is relevant to their daily lives. The content follows the province's slogan: "Land of Lotus, City of Rice, Mon Heritage, City of Dharma, United Royal Residence, Beautiful Chao Phraya River, and Progressive Industry," which serves as study material for students. 4. The approach to developing reading literacy using KWL-Plus learning management combined with local information from Pathum Thani Province for Mathayom 1 (Grade 7) students is aimed at developing students' reading skills. It incorporates KWL-Plus learning management along with local information from Pathum Thani Province as teaching content to help students develop reading skills, starting from familiar local content and progressing to more challenging reading levels.

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How to Cite
Sri-iam, S. (2024). Developing Reading Literacy of Grade 7 Students using KWL-Plus Learning Management Approach with Local Data from Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 19(1), 203–214. retrieved from


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