Factors Affecting the Decision of Thai Tourists in Religious tourism sustainability: case study of Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen, Bangkok
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This exploratory research aimed to: 1) examine the demographic characteristics of respondents and the market mix factors in religious tourism, with a case study of Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen, Bangkok; 2) investigate personal factors influencing the decision to engage in sustainable religious tourism; and 3) study the market mix factors that influence the decision to engage in sustainable religious tourism. Using an Accidental sampling method from 385 tourists using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The research results showed that; 1) Most of the respondents were female, aged between 21-30 years old, were single and had a below bachelor's degree. They had a career as company employees and had an average monthly income of less than or equal to 15,000 baht. The Hypothesis test showed that: 2) The personal factors not affect the decision to Religious tourism sustainability at Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen. with a not statistical significance of 0.05. 3) The marketing mix factors of Product People and Process influence the decision to Religious tourism sustainability at Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen. Has a statistical significance of 0.05. In this regard, the estimation model can explain the decision to Religious tourism sustainability at Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen is 48.9 percent.
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