Professional accounting skills and professional accounting ethics that affect the efficiency of work of the Accountant in Samut Sakhon Province
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The objective of this research was to examine the relationship and the influence of professional accounting skills and accounting ethics that affect the effective work performance of accountants in Samut Sakhon Province. The data was collected from accountants who are registered accountants with the Federation of Accounting Professions under the Royal Patronage in Samut Sakhon Province. The research instrument was questionnaire used for data collection from the samples of 329 respondents selected by convenience and the number of respondents was 302 people. The statistics used in the analysis are multiple regression analysis using Enter and Stepwise to examine the hypotheses. The research results found that professional accounting skills in the digital age and skills of workers in the 21st century have a significant influence on the efficient work of accountants at the 0.05 level. The coefficient of adjusted forecast (R Square) used to compare models with unequal number of predictive variables was obtained with a value of 0.891, which could explain the positive influence on the work efficiency of accountants at 89.1 percent. The accounting professional's ethics in terms of having knowledge, ability, attentiveness, confidentiality, objectivity, and honesty has a significant influence on the efficient work performance of the accountant at the .05 level. The coefficient of adjusted forecast (R Square) used to compare models with unequal number of predictive variables was obtained with a value of 0.987, which could explain the positive influence on the performance efficiency of accountants at 98.7 percent.
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