The Influence of Factors Affecting the Purchasing Decision of OTOP Products Online of Consumers in Khon Kaen Province
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The objectives of this research were to develop and to validate the consistency of the Influence of factors affecting the purchasing decision of OTOP products online of consumers in Khon Kaen province and to study the causal factors influencing the purchasing decision of OTOP products online of consumers in Khon Kaen province. The sample consisted of 384 people who had previously purchased OTOP products online in Khon Kaen Province. The instrument used in this research was the questionnaire and structural equation model was used to analyze causal relationships to find the path of the causal influence of the variables consisting of 3 components 1) Demographic 2) Online Marketing Mix and 3) Purchase Decision. The results of the research showed that the causal relationship model was developed in accordance with empirical data and considered by Chi-square=83.234, df=104, p=0.903, CMIN/DF=0.963, GFI=0.976, AGFI=0.928, CFI=1.000, RMSEA=0.016 and SRMR=0.021 The final was predictive coefficient of 0.78, indicated that the variables in the model can explain the variance of purchasing decision of OTOP products online of consumers in Khon Kaen province 78 percent. The results of hypothesis testing showed that the confirmatory factors of the demographic, online marketing mix, purchase decision had positive influences on the purchasing decision of OTOP products online of consumers in Khon Kaen province and the research results can be used as information for planning and developing important factors that affect the decision to buy OTOP products online.
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