Guidelines for teaching and learning development to promote the quality of vocational students in a new normal for Eastern Economic Corridor
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This study was to study a model for teaching and learning development to promote the quality of vocational students in a new normal age for Eastern Economic Corridor using document research divided into 2 steps: 1) document research to a model and 2) quantitative research is a quality assessment with 15 experts with an evaluation form. The results of the study found that the teaching and learning format that occurs will be managed in a manner "Management like educational institutions, factories, houses" by dual vacation training and must develop online teaching and learning for teachers in 3 issues: 1) time allocation to skills, 2) setting goals to develop online teaching, and 3) strengthening practical skills with business establishments. This allows students to be developed to be innovators through developing 3 skills: Cognitive Strategies, Problem-Solving Strategies, and Critical Thinking Skills, The entire process will be successful, those involved must participate, including: policy executives, administrators of vocational education institutions, establishment administrators, teachers, and parents and evaluation results Usefulness, correctness, and appropriateness The overall picture is at the highest level. The average values were 3.71, 3.71 3.64, respectively. The feasibility aspect was at a high-level average is 3.26.
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