Computer Security and Crime Digital and Transaction Risks Affecting Digital Technology Acceptance of Generation X consumer in Bangkok Metropolis
Main Article Content
This research aimed to study 1) the opinion level of security and computer crimes, the digital transactions risks through digital technology acceptance 2) the impact of computer security and crimes through digital transactions risks 3) the impact of computer security and crimes, the digital transactions risks through digital technology acceptance. The Sample group consisted of 400 generation X consumers in Bangkok Metropolis. The research instrument used both paper and online questionnaires. Data analysis was descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The research results found that the sample group of generation X consumers in Bangkok have the opinions level of computer security and crime was at a high level ( = 3.45). The opinions level of computer security and crime was at a high level (
= 3.45) and the opinions level of technology acceptance was at a high level (
= 4.03). In addition, the study also indicates that the impact of computer security and crime through digital transaction risk (
= 0.778) the impact of computer security and crime in financial transaction through digital technology acceptance (
= -0.192) the impact of digital transaction risk in performance through technology acceptance (
= 0.847). The results of this research are beneficial to agencies, organizations, government, and private sectors that are digital transaction service providers to improve and develop strategies in computer security and crimes, especially financial transactions and digital transaction risks in performance that will affect the technology acceptance leading to the development of effective digital marketing strategies.
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