Effects of Using Loose Part Play Activities on Social Relations of Young Children
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The aims of this study were twofold: 1) to juxtapose the social relations of young children prior to and subsequent to their engagement in loose parts play activities and 2) to scrutinize the varying degrees of social relation development among young children subsequent to their involvement in such activities. The study sample comprised 17 children in Kindergarten 2, aged between 4 and 5 years, selected from Bannaithung School in Nakhonsrithammarat Province, utilizing cluster random sampling. The experimental duration spanned a period of 8 weeks. The research instruments encompassed an activity plan for loose parts play activities along with a social relation assessment form. Data analysis was conducted utilizing mean, standard deviation, relative gain score formulas, and t-tests. The empirical findings revealed that: 1) children engaging in loose parts play activities exhibited significantly enhanced overall social relation scores post-intervention, with statistical significance set at .05; and 2) all participating children demonstrated heightened overall social relation development scores, with a predominant trend towards moderate-level development.
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