Soft Power Policy: The Administration of a Creative Economy to Develop the Potential of Cultural Tourism Industry of Ban Khlong Khae Community, Samut Sakhon Province
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This research article aimed 1) to study the soft power policy to promote the cultural tourism industry 2) to study the Administration of a Creative Economy of Ban Khlong Khae community and 3) to study the Administration of a Creative Economy to Develop the Potential of Cultural Tourism of Ban Khlong Khae Community, Samut Sakhon Province. Qualitative research methodology, including collection of data by documentary, focus group and in-depth interview. The target group of 32 people was composed of 12 people who are committee of the Ban Khlong Khae tourism community enterprise, along with 20 people composed of the community enterprise group members, entrepreneur and villagers. The data was collected and analyzed by using content analysis. The results showed that the issues impacting the culture of the Ban Khlong Khae community to be consistent with the soft power policy as a way of life that co-exists, along with the river, to conserve natural resources, the environment and to participate in the folk sport, " Lo Kra Tha". While the administration of a creative economy consists of discover issues, skill development, link for business opportunities, and developing creative area; which can encouraging a mindset from which a vision for a creative approach for the Ban Khlong Khae community will evolve, namely a Community of Conservation, Culture, Way of River or “Withi Tara”; and the administration of the creative economy within the cultural tourism dimension and folk sports are based on the soft power policy, it was found that content can be created to add value from resources of traditional culture and skill development is further generated through combining with the water park of the Ban Khlong Khae community tourism enterprise group at the community level. In addition, the increased activity is an attraction to develop the Potential of Cultural Tourism of the Community, as well as accessibility and facilities that operate appropriately in line with the creative economy.
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