Characteristics of Innovative Cloud-Based Point-of-Sale System for Restaurant Operators in the Digital Age

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Kosol Jitvirat
Kandhicha Charoenvaichat
Thanathon Chongsirithitisak


The purpose of this research is to study the characteristics of innovative cloud-based point-of-sale systems for restaurant operators in the digital age. This research is a qualitative research, the researcher divided the research into 2 phases as follows: (1) analysis of system service providers (2) analysis of system users collect information on the web, web applications and mobile applications of service providers, together with observations and interviews with restaurant operators employees and customers, totaling 8 people, using the data recording form together with the interview form, then bring the information that has been analyzed together, with the inductive analysis method combined with the analysis by comparison of events, check the credibility of the information, with a triangular inspection method, the findings appeared to be in the same direction. The results showed that the characteristics of innovative cloud-based point-of-sale systems the characteristics consist of 7 aspects: (1) system accessibility, (2) business scalability, (3) data management capabilities, (4) security, (5) core system capabilities, (6) integration capability with other business systems or software, and (7) customer experience improvement capability.

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Jitvirat, K., Charoenvaichat, K., & Chongsirithitisak, T. . (2024). Characteristics of Innovative Cloud-Based Point-of-Sale System for Restaurant Operators in the Digital Age. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 18(2), 121–138. retrieved from


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