Strategic Development Vocational Education with Digital Technology of Educational Institutions Under the Institute of Vocational Education Northeastern Region 1

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Chatchawan Poonakun
Thanakrit Thurisut
Busakorn Suksaen


This research article has the objective To study problems and needs in development and to create a strategy for developing vocational education with digital technology in educational institutions.  The research method is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 Studying problems and needs in the development of vocational education with digital technology and Phase 2, creating a strategy for developing vocational education with digital technology. The sample group includes 1) 17 experts, 2) 633 teachers and students, 3) 30 strategy drafting experts, and 4) 30 strategy evaluation experts. The tools used to collect data are interviews, questionnaires, and evaluation forms. Statistics used in data analysis include the mean, standard deviation, and needs index. The data was analyzed using a ready-made program and the content of the data obtained from the interviews was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the research found that. 1) Problems and needs for development and the index of necessary needs have 3 areas: digital equipment digital program and technical methods. 2) Results of strategy creation: there are 4 strategies and results of strategy evaluation. It was found that the appropriateness level and feasibility level of the strategy The overall picture is at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Poonakun, C., Thurisut, T. ., & Suksaen, B. . (2024). Strategic Development Vocational Education with Digital Technology of Educational Institutions Under the Institute of Vocational Education Northeastern Region 1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 18(2), 195–207. retrieved from


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