Development of teaching skills of early childhood teachers Under the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior with the Executive Functions Guideline tool

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Supimol Bunphok
Saksri Suebsing
Nithinarth Udomsan


This research has the objective To develop learning management with the Executive Functions Guideline tool for early childhood teachers and students and study the opinions of early childhood teachers. that has an impact on organizing learning activities with the Executive Functions Guideline tool., which were obtained by using a simple random sampling method. Tools used include: Learning activity guide, tests and questionnaires, opinions, and statistics used in the research include: Mean, standard deviation, and T-Test. The results of the research found that 1) the ability to organize learning activities of early childhood teachers with the Executive Functions Guideline tool after organizing learning activities Overall, it is at the highest level. The mean was 4.65 and the standard deviation was 0.46. 2) Comparison results of training workshops and learning activities for early childhood teachers. With the Executive Functions Guideline tool, there was a statistical significant difference at the 0.05 level, with the average scores after organizing the learning activities being higher than before organizing the learning activities. 3) Opinions of early childhood teachers towards organizing the activities. Overall learning with the Executive Functions Guideline tool was at the highest level. The mean is 4.67 and the standard deviation is 0.43.

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How to Cite
Bunphok, S., Suebsing, S. . ., & Udomsan, N. . (2024). Development of teaching skills of early childhood teachers Under the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior with the Executive Functions Guideline tool. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 18(2), 54–69. retrieved from


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