Marketing strategies and brand image that affect trust and the process of deciding to buy food products with the identity of Phetchaburi city of consumers
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The purpose of this research is to study marketing strategies and brand image that affect trust and the process of deciding to buy food products with the identity of Phetchaburi city of consumers. The sample group consisted of 323 consumers who had previously purchased Phetchaburi food products using the random sampling method. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. Statistics used in the research are percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient analysis and simple and multiple regression analysis. The research results found that marketing strategy, brand image, trust and the purchasing decision process were at the highest average levels. Marketing strategies have a positive impact on trust and the purchasing decision process. Brand image have a positive impact on trust and the purchasing decision process and trust has a positive impact on the purchasing decision process. Therefore, entrepreneurs should focus on using marketing strategies and creating a brand image of Phetchaburi food brands in order to build trust among consumers and immediately decide to buy products.
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