Psycho-social Factors as Correlate of Studying Discipline Behavior in Undergraduate Students
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the predictive power of psychological traits, social situations, and psychological state in relation to studying discipline behavior to determine the significant predictors for the combined group and subgroups divided by students' bio-social characteristics, and to identify students who will be at risk of having low levels of studying disciplined behavior. The study included a sample of over 18-year-old undergraduate students from various universities across all four regions, calculated the sample using the G*Power method, set the effect size value to be equal to .03, the error value to be equal to .05, the power value to be equal to .80, selected through a multiple randomization method. The sample size was determined to be appropriate and sufficient for analysis, with a total of 632 participants in this research. The statistical techniques employed to analyze the data were Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, Multiple regression analysis, and Three-way ANOVA. The result of research found that (1) a total of nine variables of psychological traits, social situations, and psychological states predicted studying discipline behavior on Enter method that found 45.65%. This implies that attitude towards disciplines, self-management skills, and adversity quotient are the primary, secondary, and tertiary factors contributing to studying discipline behavior in all aspects of the group, respectively. (2) At-risk groups of students who haก low levels of studying discipline behavior include male students and students with a low GPA.
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