Factors Affecting Success in Internship of Student Teachers at Rajabhat University
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The purpose of this research were to analyze of factors affecting on student teachers at Rajabhat. Samples were 300 students randomized by multi-stage random sampling. Research instrument was a 5-point scale with Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.95. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics methods including frequency, percentage, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1) The relations between 5 factors affected towards success in internship of student teacher; student characteristics, relationship between supervisor and student, relationship between mentors and student, internship process, quality of schools for internship were positive direction with significance at the .01 level, correlation coefficient ranged from .536 to .676 and 2) the factors on the influence of student characteristics, and internship process were affected the success in internship of student teacher, statistically significance at the level of .05, which were a prediction of 63.80%.
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