The Influence of Accounting Learning Organization on the Quality of Financial Report through the Application of Accounting Innovation of Bookkeepers in Bangkok
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This research aimed to investigate 1) the level of the accounting learning organization in which bookkeepers currently work, 2) the level of application of accounting innovations of bookkeepers, 3) the level of the quality of financial reports, and 4) the mediation effect of application of accounting innovations on the impact of accounting learning organization on the quality of financial reports. Data were collected during January – April, 2023 via online questionnaires from 400 bookkeepers in Bangkok, and analyzed by regression analysis. The results found that the bookkeepers worked in an organization with a very high level of accounting learning organization, applied an accounting innovation in high level, and could write a financial report within very high quality. In additions, it also found that the application of accounting innovations is the partial mediator in the relationship between accounting learning organization and the quality of financial reports at the statistical significance level of 0.05. The results of this study will serve as guidelines for organizations in change management for becoming an accounting learning organization, and promoting the application of accounting innovations, which could lead to the quality of financial reports.
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