Participatory Communication through “Hukum Pakat”: A Case Study of Ban Bannangluwa Community-Based Tourism Management in Yala Province
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Participatory communication is essential to community-based tourism management. This is because communication is the mechanism that drives community development through participation process of community members. The research aims to analyze the role of communication in community tourism management and the strategy of participatory communication in the case of Ban Bannangluwa, Yala province. The data collection tools include (1) documentary research, (2) non-participant observation of researchers, and (3) in-depth interviews with two groups of people using semi-structured interviews, namely a group of four government officials at the Yala Provincial Tourism and Sports Office, and a group of people in the Bannangluwa community-based tourism. They are (1) five representatives of the Bannangluwa community tourism enterprise committees, (2) two youths working for the Bannangluwa community-based tourism, and (3) two villagers who sell food and drinks in the tourism area, a total of 13 informants. The research findings indicate that personal media through an opinion leader, who wins people’s trust, employs interpersonal communication and face-to-face conversations to create community participation, using “Hukum Pakat” as communication strategy. The Hukum Pakat collectively determined by the community to create sustainable income-generating activities and distribute profits within the community. Through Hukum Pakat, the community can be self-reliant while taking care of nature and environment to be in existence.
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