Knowledge Management to Sustainable Development by Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Case Study in Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya
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The research has the following objectives were to investigate, gather, and create a database of the social capital that already exists in the region, study the factors affecting model management, create a management model and disseminate the knowledge according to the sufficiency economy philosophy. One community in Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya, Ban Lad Nam Khem. The model community area has social capitals that are human, institutional, wisdom and cultural, and natural resource capital. There is development of sustainable social capital. Conditional factors were the community leadership, the practitioner, the societal capital, and the development network partners factor. The development model management, which is a community operation, the following are included: 1) Managing and utilizing natural resources effectively and sustainably 2) Waste reduction; and 3) Reducing harmful chemical and toxic waste employing a 7-step knowledge management approach. The result of transferring the knowledge of sustainable development to two other communities was that the communities used the knowledge gained, such as growing vegetables, making fertilizer from wet waste, and separating garbage.
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