Sustainable of Hemp Fabric Management Strategy
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This research aims to develop a sustainable management strategy for hemp fabric. The study population consists of Thai hemp fabric tailors, and a systematic random sampling approach was used, resulting in a total sample size of 230 individuals. A questionnaire was employed as the research instrument, which underwent validity testing and yielded a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.958. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis with the SPSS-Amos software, focusing on three dimensions of Economic, Social, and Environmental factors. These dimensions encompassed a total of 22 observed variables. The analysis revealed that the model aligned well with the empirical data, as indicated by a chi-square value = 1.099, a p-value = 0.234, df = 99, and RMSEA = 0.021 The findings of the research highlight that for a sustainable hemp fabric management strategy, emphasis should be placed on promoting social factors. This involves fostering stable sewing careers within the community, raising awareness about the significance of cultural heritage, and instilling a sense of value among the youth regarding the inheritance and preservation of culture over the long term.
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