Guidelines for the development of savings groups for production suitable for the one Karen ethnic group Community, Ban Bueng Subdistrict, Ban Kha District, Ratchaburi Province
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This research article aims to study problems, obstacles, and present guidelines for the development of savings for production suitable for the one Karen ethnic group community, Ban Bueng Subdistrict, Ban Kha District, Ratchaburi Province. with a qualitative method by using a case study research approach It is a study from relevant documents. and a group of 10 related individuals. Data were collected by participant observation technique. and in-depth interviews The study found that 1) The state of problems and obstacles in the operation of the savings for production group of the one Karen ethnic group community, Ban Bueng Sub-district, Ban Kha District, Ratchaburi Province were problems and obstacles in promoting community savings. in granting credit to members Community deposits financial consulting and community welfare 2) Guidelines for the development of savings groups for production suitable for one Karen ethnic groups community, Ban Bueng Sub-district, Ban Kha District, Ratchaburi Province. The aforementioned issues should be used to design service activities that are consistent with the community context by adopting a lifestyle framework and community culture that is social capital to integrate.
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