Service Models and Service Innovations of Smart Hotels for Thai Business Travelers in the Digital Era
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This study aimed to explore trends in smart hotel businesses for Thai business travelers in the digital era, focusing on 1) trends in these businesses, 2) design concepts, and 3) service models and innovations. The research method involved qualitative analysis using grounded theory and in-depth interviews. The participants are currently employed, have been working for more than five years, and have traveled for business within and outside Thailand from 2017 to 2022. Employing a grounded theory approach, In-depth interviews were conducted among the participants until saturation was reached. Triangulation was employed by researchers, and literature review. Results indicated that smart hotel trends were evolving significantly to align work and travel effectively through comprehensive amenities. These hotels would integrate modern technologies to provide convenience and comfort, catering to business travelers' needs. The design concept includes six key aspects: accessibility, attractions, accommodation, amenities, environment, and payment capabilities. Service formats and innovations harmoniously blend cutting-edge technology and hospitality. Furthermore, active involvement of business travelers is crucial for co-creating services and generating value. In the digital era, smart hotels must meet these dynamic demands to succeed in the evolving hospitality landscape.
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