Conjoint Analysis of Brand Attributes Influencing Purchase Decision on Energy Drink of Consumers in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Pongnarin Pitjatturat
Niramarn Ngammoh


This research aims to study product brand attributes that influence consumers' energy drink purchasing decisions in Nakhon Ratchasima province. This study was quantitative research, using a questionnaire as a research tool. The population was consumers who had previously purchased energy drinks living in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The sample size was determined using the non-probability sampling of 150 people, using a purposive sampling method for consumers who drink energy drinks more than three times per week. The statistics used in the research were conjoint analysis techniques. The study found that three aspects of product brand attributes, including packaging, price, and vitamins, affected the decision to purchase energy drinks. The consumers were satisfied with the overview of product brand attributes. The packaging aspect was the most important, followed by price and vitamins. Overall, this research contributes to energy drink manufacturers in Thailand in developing products that genuinely meet the needs of consumers. Thus, the manufacturer should design the packaging as a black glass bottle. At the level of caffeine required by law, the selling price is 10 baht/bottle, containing vitamins B12 and B6. It promotes advertising vitamins that help nourish the nerves and brain, including effective cost management.

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How to Cite
Pitjatturat, P., & Ngammoh, N. (2023). Conjoint Analysis of Brand Attributes Influencing Purchase Decision on Energy Drink of Consumers in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(3), 60–72. retrieved from


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