Charging Forward: Evaluating the Total Ownership Costs of EVs Versus ICE Vehicles in Thailand's Commercial Trucking Industry

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Suratin Tunyaplin
Suwat Janyapoon


The escalating urgency of global warming has accelerated the shift toward environmental consciousness. To address this, the European Union aims to phase out Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) by 2030 in favor of environmentally pleasant vehicles, like electric trucks. In contrast, Thailand's principal transport network still largely depends on diesel vehicles, exacerbating pollution and financial strain from crude oil imports. This study evaluates the feasibility of transitioning to electric commercial trucks by assessing the Total Ownership Cost (TCO) of fossil fuel (Diesel), CNG, and EV trucks. Crucial factors such as Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) are considered in the context of last-mile delivery. From data collected over six months, from January to June 2023, a total of 423 containers were analyzed from five service providers. The transportation route documented was from the Dry Port (ICD Lat Krabang) to the Laem Chabang Port.

This analysis aims to provide insights into the dynamics of container transportation within this specific route for the given timeframe. The key inquiry is whether the transition from fossil fuels to electricity and its potential effect on commodity prices is financially viable. The results indicate that vehicles powered by natural gas, electricity, and diesel have TCO per kilometer of 15.33, 17.33, and 22.52 baht, respectively. This reflects the inability of service providers to immediately reduce freight charges due to the higher initial purchase cost of electric vehicles compared to the other two types. Considering that exports contributed to approximately 58.6% of Thailand's economy in 2021 (World Bank, 2023), strategic adjustments in supply chain management, backed by national tax policies, are imperative. Such initiatives not only promote green transportation but also drive the country towards achieving its goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

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How to Cite
Tunyaplin, S., & Janyapoon, S. (2023). Charging Forward: Evaluating the Total Ownership Costs of EVs Versus ICE Vehicles in Thailand’s Commercial Trucking Industry. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(3), 1–16. retrieved from


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