Developing Academic Administration Model by Integrating Contemplative Education and Quality Management Cycle for Vocational Institutes

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Jidapa Chusung
Pisit Methapatara
Chaiwichit Chianchana


The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop and evaluate the appropriateness of the academic administration model by integrating contemplative education and PDCA Cycle for vocational institutes and 2) evaluate the academic administration model by integrating contemplative education and PDCA Cycle for vocational institutes. The data were derived from 314 samples and analyzed by percentage, mean, SD, and necessity analysis. The results revealed the following findings. 1) The model consisted of 4 stages, i.e., a. the preparation stage for academic administration, b. the operation stage of the academic administration model by integrating contemplative education and PDCA Cycle for vocational institutes, and c. the audit of academic administration and the improvement of academic administration process. The whole picture evaluation of the model was rated at a high level. 2) The needs and necessity analysis ranged between 0.71 and 0.60. The training course consisted of 3 main topics, i.e., 1) PDCA Cycle administration, 2) the analysis of the academic administration model in vocational institutes, and 3) contemplative education. The analysis of the training course by CIPP Model showed that the context and input evaluation were highly congruent in every aspect. The process evaluation achieved the average of 85.37/ 83.60 in a theoretical part and 81.08 in a practical part. The participants reported the highest satisfaction for overall and the product aspect.

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How to Cite
Chusung, J., Methapatara, P., & Chianchana, C. (2023). Developing Academic Administration Model by Integrating Contemplative Education and Quality Management Cycle for Vocational Institutes. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(3), 44–59. retrieved from


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