Components of Private Vocational Education Institutions to Become a Learning Organization in the Digital Era Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission

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Yaovaret Matawong
Sopha Amnuayrat
Numfon Gunma
Santi Buranachat


The objectives of this research were to 1) 1) Study components of private vocational institutes towards becoming a learning organization in the digital age. Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, and 2) Analyze the confirmatory factors of private vocational education institutes towards becoming a learning organization in the digital age. Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The research tools were a questionnaire with a reliability of .97. Statistics used for mean, standard deviation content analysis data analysis were Confirmatory Factor Analysis and AMOS.  The following were the study's findings: 1) The components of the model development included 5 aspects: well-rounded individual,  patterns of thought, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking; and  2) the analysis of confirmatory factor coherence demonstrates that this is consistent with the empirical data, with a chi b square ( x2) 5.646, degrees of freedom (df) of 4, a p-value of .227, a CFI of 1.000, a GFI of .989, a root of calculated error's mean square mean (RMR) of 0.006, (RMSEA) of 0.045, and NFI is  .993

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How to Cite
Matawong, Y. ., Amnuayrat, S., Gunma, N., & Buranachat, S. (2023). Components of Private Vocational Education Institutions to Become a Learning Organization in the Digital Era Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(3), 146–155. retrieved from


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