Innovative Leadership Components of Executives for Excellence in Private Vocational Education Institutions Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission
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The objectives of this research were to 1) Components of Executive Innovative Leadership Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, and 2) Analyze the elements of innovative leadership of executives. Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The study contained a sample of 205 administrators of vocational education institutions. The research tools were a questionnaire with a reliability of .95. Statistics used for mean, standard deviation content and data analysis were Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The following were the study's findings: 1) The components of innovative leadership for excellence included seven aspects: vision for change, teamwork, creativity, participation, creating a learning atmosphere, risk management, and the atmosphere of an innovative organization; and 2) the analysis of confirmatory factor coherence demonstrates that this is consistent with the empirical data, with a chi b square (x2) 11.258, degrees of freedom (df) of 13, a p-value of .589, a CFI of 1.000, a GFI of .984, and a root of calculated error's mean square mean (RMR) is 0.04.
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