Developing Bangkok metropolitan to learning city for all generations

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Sornpravate Krajangkantamatr


This research article is aimed to compare the attitude for the characteristics of learning city of every generation living in Bangkok metropolitan and synthesize the guideline for developing Bangkok Metropolitan to learning city for all generations. Questionnaire was applied as research tool for this quantitative research. The research data was collected from 400 people currently living in Bangkok area. Descriptive statistic and One-Way ANOVA were employed to analyzed the data. The result from One- Way ANOVA was examined together with attitude’s average score to synthesize the guideline by researcher. The research findings showed that 1) Wider benefits of building a learning city what should be managed first is promoting potential and social cohesion for Baby Boomer and Generation X while supporting technology and enhancing teamwork mechanism are needed for Generation Y; 2) Major building blocks of a learning city fostering family-based or community-based learning and developing systems that recognize and reward all forms of learning for Baby Boomer and Generation X are needed to be managed first; 3) Fundamental conditions for building a learning city what need to be done first is formulating policy and strategy by Bangkok Governor to promote citizens’ role and participation and formulating the mechanism to develop a good governance system, including allocating budget and facilities to support the lifelong learning for Baby Boomer and Generation Y.

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How to Cite
Krajangkantamatr, S. (2022). Developing Bangkok metropolitan to learning city for all generations. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(1), 32–43. retrieved from


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