The Effect of Innovation Characteristics on Innovation Capability, Intellectual Capability and Sustainable Performance in OTOP Businesses in Sakon Nahon Province

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Supawita Intarapanich
Thanya Pakpian


This study aims to investigate the relationship of innovation characteristic, innovation capability, intellectual capability, and sustainable performance. Data were collected 400 managers of OTOP Businesses in Sakon Nahon. Questionnaire is used to collected data. Multiple regression is used to analyze all hypotheses. The results indicate that innovation characteristics such as compatibility innovation, experiment innovation, complexity innovation, and dominant innovation have related to innovation capability and intellectual capability. Two dimensions of innovation capability have positive relate to intellectual capability and sustainable performance. In addition, three dimensions of intellectual capability have positive relate to sustainable performance.

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Intarapanich, S. ., & Pakpian, T. (2022). The Effect of Innovation Characteristics on Innovation Capability, Intellectual Capability and Sustainable Performance in OTOP Businesses in Sakon Nahon Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 17(1), 135–146. retrieved from


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