Factors of McKinsey's 7S Model Affecting Learning Organization of Hotel Business in Thailand
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This research aims to study the factors of management according to McKinsey's 7S concept that affect the learning organization of hotel business in Thailand. The research employed Quantitative research as a major research methodology. The 400 questionnaires were collected from 5-stars hotels employees in Thailand.
The results showed that most of the respondents were female (61.25%), aged 31-40 years old (41%), single (58.75%), graduated with a bachelor's degree (71.25%), experienced in hotels from 5-10 years (44.50%), and working in the reception department (20.50%).
The hypothesis testing results showed that McKinsey's 7S Management factors affected the Learning Organization of Hotel Businesses in Thailand. The shared values (p = 0.000*), skills (p = 0.000*) and systems (p = 0.002*) were able to predict the existing Learning Organization of hotel business in Thailand at the 0.05 statistical significance whereas the strategy structure styles and staff had no effect to Learning Organization of hotel business in Thailand
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