Supply Chain Cost Study of Longan Cultivation in Peri-Urban Area: Tumbon Nong Phueng, Yang Noeng and Saraphi, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province

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Janejira Thapinta
Pichai Liawruangrath
Chamroen Khuankaew


This research aimed 1) to study a supply chain of longan cultivation and 2) to analyze the accounting cost in supply chain activities by using the participatory action research concept. This research method collected preliminary data and planned a survey of longan planting areas of farmers from cooperative farming group. Next, Field trips were conducted using questionnaires and in-depth interviews with farmer samples. Then, researchers created diagram of this supply chain by using the cost analysis occurring in the planting supply chain. The results from 10 members of the group found that they received the average income of the products per tree per year amounted to 476.60 baht. The cost analysis in each activity consisted of upstream, midstream and downstream activities amount 232.60, 31.94 and 50.28 baht, respectively. For the cost analysis, it was revealed that the longan farmers would earn a net profit of 140.23 baht per plant per year. Fertilizer expenditure was a cost that affected the supply chain process, a way to reduce this cost was organizing activities to educate farmers on soil care, inspecting the soil quality according to academic principles including knowledge provide of the fertilizer mix to increase the nutrients in the soil. This result was also an awareness of self-reliance.

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How to Cite
Thapinta, J. ., Liawruangrath, P., & Khuankaew, C. (2022). Supply Chain Cost Study of Longan Cultivation in Peri-Urban Area: Tumbon Nong Phueng, Yang Noeng and Saraphi, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(2), 63–75. retrieved from


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