Active Learning to Develop Higher Order Thinking: Meta-Analysis

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Nitibodee Sukjaroen
Peson Chobphon


The objective of this research is to discover and compare the effect size of research related to active learning that affects higher-order thinking. The selected articles can be divided into 3 sub-groups: critical thinking, creative thinking, and analytical thinking. They were searched from the Thai Journal Citation Index Center (TCI) database and passed the research quality assessment based on the type of validity. Moreover, they must qualify for calculating the influence size. The sample group is 43 articles or 45 effect sizes. Calculation of effect size is analyzed using the Meta-Essentials program. The program found that the distribution of effect size was high. The mean of effect size is 1.79, the 95% confidence interval is between 1.44 to 2.14. In addition, when analyzed by subgroups of thinking types, when analyzed by subgroups of thinking types, the mean of effect size of active learning to improve analytical thinking from higher to lower, critical thinking, and creativity were 2.57, 1.38 and 1.13, respectively. In each subgroup, there was a high distribution of effect size. Active learning, which has an effect size higher than the mean score, is selected. There are utilized in the specific instructional model development that only higher-order thinking.

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How to Cite
Sukjaroen, N. ., & Chobphon, P. . (2021). Active Learning to Develop Higher Order Thinking: Meta-Analysis . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 79–92. retrieved from


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