Work-Health Balance of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Crumas Chawraingern
Manop Chunin
Pinkanok Wongpinpech


This research aims to study Work-Health Balance, causal factors, and a result of Work-Health Balance of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. This research adapted the use of qualitative methodology. The data were collected by in-depth interview and semi-structured Interview. The key informants were collected include 12 people of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in extra-large school. The research instruments are In-depth interview questionnaires about Work-Health Balance were assessed appropriateness and completeness of instrument by the experts. Narrative summarization was used to analyze data. Besides, this study used triangulation techniques in order to confirmed the reliability.  The research results founded that Work-Health Balance of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration are a state in which the worker feels to be able to effectively balance health and work needs. Work-Health Balance included the Work-Health incompatibility, external support, and health climate. Furthermore, there were three psychological causal factors of Work-Health Balance; 1) presenteeism, 2) coworker support, and 3) health consciousness. The result of a lack of Work-Health Balance is stress.

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How to Cite
Chawraingern, C. ., Chunin, M. ., & Wongpinpech, P. . (2021). Work-Health Balance of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 152–162. retrieved from


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