The The Relationship between Using of Psychological Skill Training Styles of University Athletes

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Tanida Julvanichpong
Vitanya Vanno


The purposes of the research study were (1) to compare the psychological skills training style between male and female and team and individual athletes (2) to find the relationship between types of psychological skills usage. The sample consisted of 174 Burapha university athletes participating in the university games of Thailand. The questionnaire consists of 30 questions in total was used to collect data (Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .85). The data were analyzed by t-test and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. The results were as follows. Using psychological skills training style between male and female and between the team and individual athletes, there was no statistically significant difference. There was a statistically significant positive correlation at the .01 level between goal setting, self-talk, concentration, imagery, breathing control, and progressive muscle relaxation.

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How to Cite
Julvanichpong, T., & Vanno, V. . (2021). The The Relationship between Using of Psychological Skill Training Styles of University Athletes. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 45–55. retrieved from


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