Knowledge management and technology transfer in commercial sisal fiber

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Kasem Manarungwit
Rattanaphol Mongkholrattanasit
Kongkiat Maha-in
Nongnut Sasithorn
Chamlong Sarikanon
Cholthicha Sarikanon
Sampas Suwankiri
Kornchanok Boonthon
Charoon Klaichoi
Natcha Thumrongchot
Nion Dowcharoenporn
Kraiengkai Patanakunkomat
Ketwadee Hirunpong
Nattadon Rungruangkitkrai


Knowledge management and technology transfer in commercial sisal fiber having the purposes is management technology of dying color on the fabric and development products, packages as well as marketing. Conducting the project collaborated with the government unit and agent of the Hubkapong group, this time from both accept invitations 60 persons. The data is Collected from individuals who participation and no participation with this project. Meeting for brainstorm the ideas about production and analyzing the problems in theory part and practice part. For the solutions of process and product value creation, the result of the project has found that as a result of technology transfer, the group has an understanding that they can apply the knowledge gained to change the production process by using natural dyes in dyeing fibers. Understand the thinking process to create a variety of products that meet the needs of consumers, including the use of composite materials to create value. There are more distribution channels for products from opening online channels, making the products more widely known. Assessment results from the collection of data from the number of participants found that Overall satisfaction is at the highest level 4.29 and designing 65 new products. It was found that a new paper production group has been established, there is an increasing number of purchase orders coming from online marketing design of products are in line with increasing consumer behavioral demands. And resulting in the value of product prices is up to 100 percentages higher than before the group can be managed systematically as well as increasing in product sales and self-reliant in a sustainable way.

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Manarungwit, K. ., Mongkholrattanasit, R. ., Maha-in, K. ., Sasithorn, N. ., Sarikanon, C. ., Sarikanon, C. ., Suwankiri, S. ., Boonthon, K. ., Klaichoi, C. ., Thumrongchot, N. ., Dowcharoenporn, N. ., Patanakunkomat, K. ., Hirunpong, K. ., & Rungruangkitkrai, N. . (2021). Knowledge management and technology transfer in commercial sisal fiber. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 93–105. retrieved from


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