Factors affecting Logistic Costs for Manufacturers in Samutprakarn Province

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Chamnan Ngerndee
Natha Thornjareankul


The purpose of this study were to study factors affecting logistic costs for manufacturers in Samutprakarn province and to investigate factors affecting logistic costs for manufacturers in Samutprakarn province. The methodology is quantitative using the survey research model. The population in this study is the manufacturers in Samutprakarn province. The study uses 401 samples, resulted from of random sampling with purposive sampling, and questionnaires as a research tools. Statistical techniques employed for data analysis are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Exploratory Factor Analysis Model (EFA). The results showed that 2 factors affecting logistic costs are considered as Organization Management and Potential Factors (Human Resources, Equipment, and Management), and Organization Structure and Service Factors (Structure and Service).

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How to Cite
Ngerndee, C. ., & Thornjareankul, N. . (2021). Factors affecting Logistic Costs for Manufacturers in Samutprakarn Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 140–151. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/253680


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