The Forecast Scenario of Factors Effecting to the Recovery of Business Sectors after Covid-19 Crisis

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Duangta Saranrom
Wisanan Ouparamai
Aphiradee Saranrom


Today, the COVID-19 outbreak has increased in several waves of the past, affecting the country's economy. Therefore, studying of forecast and factors affecting the recovery of business groups after the COVID-19 situation is aimed at studying the forecast of recovery and the factors affecting the recovery of business groups after the COVID-19 situation by simulating recovery projections divided into 4 scenarios. The results of the study are scenario 1 Bounce Back includes industrial, finance, agro/food, resources/energy and technology will recover at any stage, scenario 2 Depression includes finance and agro/food will recover at every stage, scenario 3 Partial recovery, including industrial groups agro/food and technology will recover at any stage and scenario 4 Economic collapse situation in all business groups will not yet recover at every stage. As the results of 4 scenarios, can be summarized guidelines to recovery, it consists of 4factors which 1) Adjust work efficiency 2) Innovation to work. 3) Supervise employees to appropriate and 4) Evaluate the potential and provide partnerships to help support.

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How to Cite
Saranrom, D. ., Ouparamai, W. ., & Saranrom, A. . (2021). The Forecast Scenario of Factors Effecting to the Recovery of Business Sectors after Covid-19 Crisis. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 163–174. retrieved from


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