Earnings Quality of Thai Listed Companies in the Sustainable Stock Group

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Yodsawinkan Kobkanjanapued
Namphon kongsakul
Angsana Sriprasert


The purpose of this research is to study on earnings quality and compare earnings quality based on the firm size of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, classified as sustainable stocks according to the announcement of the Stock Exchange. Study during the years 2015 – 2019. Totally 370 samples are included in the study. Earnings quality is measured by the ratio of cash flows from operating to net income, earnings persistence, and value relevance of earnings. The statistics used consisted of descriptive statistics, compare means, multiple regression analysis and differential analysis of the regression model. The study found that earnings of Thai listed companies in the sustainable stock group was earnings with quality, the current earnings can explain the change in future earnings, and the company’s earnings can explain the changes in securities returns. When comparing earnings quality based on firm size, it was found that firm size does not affect earnings quality differently for listed companies in the sustainable stock group.

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How to Cite
Kobkanjanapued, Y. ., kongsakul, N. ., & Sriprasert, A. . (2021). Earnings Quality of Thai Listed Companies in the Sustainable Stock Group. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 16(1), 106–118. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/251102


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