An Exploratory study of factors affecting supply chain collaboration in Thailand’s dairy industry

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Virayos Vajirabhoga
Kamonchanok Sutiwartnarueput
Pongsa Pornchaiwiseskul


Thailand’s dairy industry provides a source of protein for citizens; however, 90% of milk producers are smallholders. In addition to disease control and health regulations, supporting milk producers in supply chain collaboration can play a major role in improving the success of the dairy industry. Understanding the factors affecting this will lead to success in supply chain collaboration. This study gathered 95 variables from a literature review of 43 papers. Through the process of expert interviews, these were refined into 49 substantive variables. Furthermore, this exploratory study aims to develop conceptual frameworks. From an exploratory factor analysis, 27 factors were identified, and conceptual frameworks developed in 7 areas as follows: long-term business, measurement and evaluation, internal and external communication, joint operations, interaction, sharing, supply & demand. The verified model will be able to give a clearer understanding of the factors affecting supply chain collaboration that impacts Thailand’s dairy industry and support its development by improving the important key factors.

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How to Cite
Vajirabhoga, V., Sutiwartnarueput, K. ., & Pornchaiwiseskul, P. . (2021). An Exploratory study of factors affecting supply chain collaboration in Thailand’s dairy industry. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(3), 1–12. retrieved from


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