Guidelines for Developing Informal Labors’ Quality of life in Agriculture in Searm-Khwa Sub-District, Searmngam District, Lampang Province

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Tapanee Chumphonwong
Narisara Pasitwilaitham
Kingkaew Tistung


The purposes of this research were to study the factors which had effects on life quality development of informal labors in the agricultural sector at Sermkhwa Community, Sermngam District, Lampang Province; and guidelines for life quality development of informal labors in the agricultural sector at Sermkhwa Community, Sermngam District, Lampang Province. The study was in the form of the qualitative research by using an in-depth interview and focusing group. The samples included 12 people in total who were the head of community and informal labors in the agricultural sector from 12 villages. The data were analyzed with the methods of content analysis and data triangulation. The results of the study revealed the life quality development of informal labors in the agricultural sector in Sermkhwa Community, Sermngam District, Lampang Province as follows. (1) the payment (2) the health safety and (3) the work stability. On the other hand, the guidelines for life quality development of informal labors at Sermkhwa Community, Sermngam District, Lampang Provinces suggested in 3 solutions as follows. (1) suitable and sufficient payment (2) health safety of work and (3) work stability.

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How to Cite
Chumphonwong, T., Pasitwilaitham, N. ., & Tistung, K. . (2021). Guidelines for Developing Informal Labors’ Quality of life in Agriculture in Searm-Khwa Sub-District, Searmngam District, Lampang Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(3), 97–107. retrieved from


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