The Management of Business Innovation to Impact SMEs Performance in Northeastern Thailand

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Chupong Pundang


The purposes of this research were to test and develop a model of structural equation for the management of business innovation to impact SMEs performance in Northeastern Thailand. The sample consisted of 384 Business SMEs in the Northeastern of Thailand  using multi-stage sampling technique. The instrument used in this research were questionnaire and structural equation model to find the relationship of model elements. The research results showed that the among structural equation model for the management of business innovation to impact SMEs performance in Northeastern Thailand. was according with empirical data and the goodness of fit chi-square=93.221, df=124, p=0.982, CMIN/DF=0.752, GFI=0.976, AGFI=0.963, CFI=1.000, RMR=0.020 and RMSEA=0.000 The results of hypothesis testing showed the financial innovation, marketing innovation, product innovation, management innovation and process innovation had positive influences on the SMEs performance in Northeastern Thailand.

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How to Cite
Pundang, C. . (2021). The Management of Business Innovation to Impact SMEs Performance in Northeastern Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 44–53. retrieved from


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