Key Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior in the Thailand Offline Marketing: Research Synthesis by Systematic Literature Review and Data Mining Techniques

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Attakrai Punpukdee
Chitinout Wattana
Wachira Punpairoj
Udomlak Srichuachom
Pimsara Yaklai
Suparawadee Trongtortam


Researchers analyzed data using a systematic analysis methodology and data mining techniques to predict key factors influencing online buyers. The data set analyzed was based on 56 synthesizing literature of selected offline marketing research correlational studies. Relationship rules for data mining are explored to get a better predictive model. A analysis of 36 variables found that the top variables are consumer satisfaction, confidence, perceived value, repurchase, word-of-mouth, marketing mix, and loyalty. The data was analyzed using data mining. The model was trained on models of past research study data on 1) repurchase, word-of-mouth, and satisfaction 2) confidence, repurchase, and word-of-mouth with a 37.9% of all future research studies. The Predictive model can help researchers and marketers as a guideline for marketing research studies and can be used to study important factors that affect customer behavior.

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How to Cite
Punpukdee, A., Wattana, C. ., Punpairoj, W. ., Srichuachom, U. ., Yaklai, P. ., & Trongtortam, S. . (2021). Key Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior in the Thailand Offline Marketing: Research Synthesis by Systematic Literature Review and Data Mining Techniques. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 21–32. retrieved from


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