Indicators of Super 4Cs Skills for Learners in the 21st Century: A Concise Literature Review

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Pinyo Wongthong
Wanchai Noiwong


Learning and innovation skills are important for learners in order to achieve purpose of many more complex tasks in their future. This is in line with the Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the National Education Association stipulating that the 4Cs skills consisting of critical thinking and problem solving, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration are essential to sustaining life in the 21st century. Therefore, teaching and learning activities should be elaborated understanding of core subjects and integrate 21st century skills so that the learners have sustained both knowledge and skills to live happily with others in society. In this academic article, the author aims to present the Indicators of 4Cs skills for learners in the 21st century. Relevant literature from various sources including books and related research articles were the subject to study. The meaning of 4Cs skills was summarized and the indicators of those skills were then synthesized. This aims to enable teachers to apply them as the assessment tools to evaluate the learners’ skills and to develop learning activities that promote the essential 21st century skills.

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How to Cite
Wongthong, P. ., & Noiwong, W. . (2021). Indicators of Super 4Cs Skills for Learners in the 21st Century: A Concise Literature Review. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 176–186. retrieved from


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