Successful factors of upcountry indie coffee shops in lower central region of Thailand

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Boonsom Ratsameechot


The purpose of this research was to study the factors affecting success of upcountry indie coffee shops in lower central region of Thailand. The sample group in this study included 400 consumers of upcountry indie coffee shops in lower central region to complete the questionnaires. The research statistics included percentage, mean, SD, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that: 1) the analysis of the marketing mix showed high level of both overall and each aspect with the highest average on the product. 2) The analysis on local wisdom factors revealed high level on both overall and each aspect with the highest level on the experience coherence factor. 3) The analysis of successful factors reported high level on both overall and each aspect with the highest level on the reliability factor. And 4) the multiple regression analysis revealed the successful factors by considering the effect of independent factors found that there were 7 successful factors, i.e. staffs affecting the highest success (β = 0.193) followed by product
(β = 0.186), price (β = 0.112), experience coherence (β = 0.094), coffee shop appearance (β = 0.086), coffee shop location (β = 0.073), and marketing promotion  (β = 0.050) respectively.

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How to Cite
Ratsameechot, B. (2021). Successful factors of upcountry indie coffee shops in lower central region of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 137–149. retrieved from


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